Tool Retipping
Dental Instruments
Tool Retipping Request Forms – Download, Print, & Submit with Worn Tools.
Easy to download retipping request form can be printed, filled out, then shipped with the instruments requiring service. Use our Prepaid Mailing Label to ship the tools to us saves the cost of shipping.
Tool Retipping is a necessary maintenance procedure when the working ends of your dental instruments no longer function to manufacturer specifications. Rebuilding your instruments will save time and money. Reconditioning, sharpening or retipping the working ends, and reusing the handle keeps your practice efficient and functioning. The processes used to re-tip an instrument are the same as those used when the instrument is originally assembled.
Learning how to detect a blunt instrument can help you determine when to resharpen an instrument during root-planing through tactile feedback. A dull cutting edge will require the use of greater lateral forces against the root, and will crush or burnish the calculus rather than removing it cleanly. A visual cue to an instrument’s sharpness is that a dull instrument will reflect light along the line of it’s cutting edge. A sharp cutting edge will not reflect light.
Sharpen at the first sign of dullness
Repair Shipments Mailing Label Tool Retipping and Repair
Handpiece Work Order Form Page